The end is getting near - Reisverslag uit Bilbao, Spanje van Anne Boer - The end is getting near - Reisverslag uit Bilbao, Spanje van Anne Boer -

The end is getting near

Blijf op de hoogte en volg Anne

09 November 2014 | Spanje, Bilbao

I have an app on my phone which tells me how many days left to something and how many days since. I remember finally getting my E-mail "You are accepted for the ECTP program". More then 100 days left stood on my screen. From 100 it went slowly to 30, moving on to 14 and counting down to 0, the day I left. That time since the e-mail to 0 passed by so extremely slowly. Now if I look at the app there's standing 21 days left to Brussel and 26 to home. But now the time doesn't go by slowly...

The end is getting closer and closer. The letters and information of my flight back home and the final camp in Brussel are coming in. When people are making plans for parties, activities, exams, etc. I notice that with more and more I have to say: 'But I'm not gonna be there then.'

The last time I wrote in my blog, which is pretty long ago, I just came back from a week Barcelona with my Dutch school and friends. After that and in the first month too I considered coming home some times. Just because I missed home and had an hard time with everything here.

But now I don't wanna go home yet! I could stay here for a whole year. Three months is an amazing experience but a really short one. Because after two-three months you're used to your new home, family, friends and everything. I'm not really scared anymore to talk to people anymore, because I now my Spanish is improved a lot. And starting to fit in more and more.

But on the other hand, missing my parents and friends is pretty hard too and I can't wait until my train stops in Hoogeveen and I can dramatically, in slow-motion, run up to my family and friends and give them a hugeeeeee hug. (And ofcourse throw a party when I'm back)

Because it's a long time ago since I've written in here, I've done lots of stuff. But besides this I don't do diaries or writing things down, so I'm gonna forget a lot.

First nice thing I remember was the AFS camp. AFS for my is an amazing organization. But I got to say AFS Spain likes to keep it cheap. We had the camp in the beautiful city Santo~na. In a boathouse where they had one big room for all the boys and girls. And one tiny bathroom with shared, not lockable showers. Here in the south the personal space is a little smaller then I was used to. For example people stand closer when they talk to you, they touch, hug and kiss you more. But this was pretty weird.

So the first day we did as usual many games. And we went to the beach, it was amazing and I really loved it. In the evening and night we just sat outside talking. Its nice to talk to people who go the same things as you and who you can relate to.
So at 2 o'clock or something we started to get tired. So we found a café machine, which was so loud that we almost woke everybody up. But I don't like café and a friend of mine either. So around 3 o'clock we decided to go swimming in the sea to wake up. And the second day we had some lessons in how to deal with certain situations an after that going back home.

At school every is going great. I get more and more subject, even though my notes say something else. I try to make all the tests and sometimes I just can't fill in one of the answers. But I did get a 9.1 (It was English).

And I'm not that bored during the week anymore. After school I just go horse riding. Or like last week hanging with friends or going to the tennis court.

The weather now is like in the Netherlands, cold, wind and rain. But last week that was kinda different. The 29th and 30th of December I was lying on the beaches in Castro with my sister and her boyfriend with about 30 degrees!

I also started to go to the PDJ in the weekends. This is like a group for the people of my age and they do amazing stuff like with Halloween making a Haunted House of making movies. Many people go there and it's really nice (why don't they have the word gezellig in English?!).

And more things I really cant think of now. :P

  • 09 November 2014 - 22:29

    Lies Janssen:

    Hallo Anne.
    Zo te horen heb je een fijne tijd gehad in Bilbao, zo zie je maar dat de drie maanden zijn om gevlogen op drie weken na.Het zal voor jou weer een hele verandering zijn in Zweeloo.Maar ik weet zeker dat Mamma Pappa Arjen de hondjes en niet te vergeten je paardje je weer terug zien.het is toch maar een mooie uitdaging geweest ,en hopelijk heb je er heel veel geleerd.
    Oma en Opa wensen jou veel liefs en knuffels

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I'll be living in Spain for three months with AFS ECTP programs. I'll be staying with the lovely family San Vicente - Barbon in a town in the north of Spain. Called Concejero in the Valle de la Mena. Its a beautyfull small town inbetween the mountains. So on this blog I will post my story of my time in Spain for the ones who would like to follow my life there!

Actief sinds 27 Aug. 2014
Verslag gelezen: 2694
Totaal aantal bezoekers 8106

Voorgaande reizen:

05 September 2014 - 01 December 2014

3 Months in Spain

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